Thursday, October 8, 2009

Meet the Bugshans

Well, it has been a very interesting couple of nights!! We had been working our butts off all week to get our classrooms in presentation order. The investors were coming for a look, a ceremonial handing over of the school, and blessings for the continuance of the project (more schools are going to be built thru 2011.
Last night we were at the school to greet the Bugshan family, headed by Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Bugshan (I think!!). He was the guest of honour and was greeted with much reverence. The Bugshan family, who are originally from Yemen is apparently a very wealthy one, and they are the main investors in our school. A girl at work told us a little about them. Many years ago, the family business began with the construction of many mosques around Jeddah. Allah rewarded these deeds by affording great wealth upon the family. Since then, the family business has grown exponentially, and they are now involved with Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Christian Dior, and Bridgestone, just to name a few!! Bugshan is a very well known name around Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and in fact the Middle East in general.
All the teachers were lined up sitting against the wall, awaiting the arrival of the family, well, the men in the family. While we waited, we played 'Telephone" and "Word Tag". It was very funny. We were all so tired and worn out, but we laughed and had a good time. Though it is possible that the laughs were due to the fatigue!!! It also could have been the heat, as we were covered for the event. It was suggested, though not ordered that we cover our hair for the occasion. Of course, we all did, without hesitation.
So basically, he came, he saw, he waved and blew kisses, he ate and he left. He is the cutest little man. He is said to be in his 80s, but with lots of spunk. He was very pleased with the school and the staff. After his tour of the school, we all sat in the hall and had some food and drink before heading home.
So, tonight was similar, but not quite the same. Tonight, we met the women and some of the children (some of whom will attend the school) of the family. The guest of honour this time was the wife of the family head, mentioned above. There were lots of daughters and wives of the sons, and I assume nieces and cousins, along with some family friends. We met them at the school's entrance and walked through with them, showing them the classrooms and the resources. We hadn't done this the previous evening with the men. Then we sat in the hall for some sweets and beverages. At the end of the evening, when the family matriarch left, the rest of the women and all the teachers headed to the Hilton Jeddah for some dinner. It was an amazing open buffet with chicken dishes, a lamb dish, a fish dish, pasta dishes, vegetarian dishes, salmon sashimi, shrimp cocktail, salads, breads and spreads, and desserts (and that is just off the top of my head). Almost everything was absolutely scrumptious!!! Such an enjoyable meal. The food was great. The company was terrific! It was a wonderful evening.
I have heard about the tremendous generosity of the Bugshan family. They are known to be very helpful to the people of Yemen. They are supportive of those who are supportive of them, but they are also very generous to those in need.
Not that this compares to the kind of generosity that they are known for, but at the end of the night when we were going home, they sent all the Canadian teachers home in their limousine. They didn't have to do that, but they wanted to show us that we are welcome and that they are hopeful that we will enjoy our time here. It was an incredible ending to a great night and one helluva week!!
As we drove through town we got lots of looks from other drivers. At some point apparently the back windows were down, so some people were aware that the car was filled with foreign women. We had this one guy in a white sports car, like maybe a Corvette. He stayed side by side with the limo for as long as he could. As he drove by, he would rev his engine. It was so funny, such an uncool guy in such a cool car!! I felt he was overcompensating for something!!!! LOL!!!
It was a terrific night and a great way to end the week!!

Just a side note......we stopped at the gas station the other day to fill the school bus. He put 66.66 litres of gasoline in the bus and it cost 30 Riyals. This is gonna be a heart breaker Canada!!!! That is about 10 bucks!!!


  1. Hey!!! Keep updating! I didn't know that you were a blogger!!! ME too!!! Although, I hardly tell anyone lol... do you have other blogs or just this one?

    Take Care. I love reading about your new adventures :)

  2. Nice to hear such good comments, presume u are well acquinted with Jeddah.

  3. Your comments make me laugh , very hilarious observations of Saudi Arabia ! Keep writing !
